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About Society
Intelligent Society of Malaysia (ISOM) founded on 29th August 2013 by Elanggovan Thanggavilo and with a group of professionals. Our concepts are based on Law of Nature and scientific essence. Thus, its main objective is to deliver services and providing unified solution for community. ISOM will significantly enhance the quality of life of its members.
Our modulated programs will be consisting of food management, health, relationship and moderating emotions which lead to self regulation. The member will start to see the improvements within 30 days. Thus, the virtues that lie within the self will be surface effortlessly. The individual will experience culminating compassion, happiness and enhancing their intellect.

The member will begin to have harmony in relationship. Studies will be effortless, easier, fun and interesting. Members will develop will power to undertaking challenges with full responsibility, initiative, and daringly venture into new ideas. The ISOM members will have better and excel in living.

Elan has been involved with brain training for 10 years. He has vast experience and conducting research on brain and mind for more than 27 years.

This society is aimed to serve multinational and in multi language. ISOM will be producing its multi language magazine publication starting from January 2014.

Official name is Persatuan Kecerdasan Minda Pintar Malaysia or Intelligent Society of Malaysia.

ISOM is targeting to achieve 3,000,000 students membership and 6,000,000 ordinary memberships by December 2018.

Objective of the society are
Activate & Unfold Mind Power from childhood to adulthood
Supersede academic achievement, sports and outdoor activities
Optimizing brain capability and its power
Maximizing innate energy towards harmonization of Mind, Body & Spirit
Recognizing and developing special talent, nurturing towards national and international championship.
Nurturing intuition base society
Healthier and wealthier society

Nurturing everyone’s innate brain power.

To provide world’s first non-motivational, non-theory and 100% practical for students and adults to leverage brain power globally. Using practical tool to provide highest impact for brain development at lowest price.  Practicing continuous monitoring and achieving consistent results.

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